Wagon_2318.gif (4583 bytes)  "Paint your Wagon" "Away out here they have a name for Rain and Wind and Fire!"   Wagon_2318.gif (4583 bytes)

              The Rain is"Tess"           The Fire is"Joe"      they call the Wind "Mariah"

 This Is Tess @ 1 1/2 yr.             Cherokee JOE @ 4 yr.old Stud     This Is Mariah @ 5 yrs.

     tess.jpg (38306 bytes)                                       JoeStud.jpg (291478 bytes)                                             Mariah_.jpg (118149 bytes)

Horses are ready to ride at age 2 starting @ $3500. Stud fee for JOE (not available). New foals are available at age 6 months for $1000.                             

  Nap2.JPG (112238 bytes)H2T1.JPG (132823 bytes)                                                                                     1Day.JPG (123600 bytes)FreezMark.JPG (98885 bytes)

Tess&Joe's 1st.foal "Ben Rumpson   Birth of the colts was 12 days apart.      Mariah&Joe's 1st. foal "Pardner

            Go to Ben's page                            More pictures of Foals                     Go to Pardner's page

Click on image for larger picture.         Horses For Sale     

Email The Ranch.